Solanaceae family characteristics pdf file download

The below mentioned article provides an overview on order solanales, family solanaceae. Its members are characterized by flowers with five petals. The family fabaceae is also known as leguminosae or papilionaceae since it belongs to the pea or legume family. Updated for itis by the flora of north america expertise network, in connection with an update for usda plants 20072010 reference for. Solanaceae nightshade family the solanaceae family has been highly cultivated over the years it includes potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet peppers, chili peppers but not black pepper, tobacco. Six top agricultural crop families grass family poaceaerice, wheat, corn, etc. Solanaceae large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous. Wellknown members of this family are chili peppers, petunias, deadly nightshade, mandrakes, potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines eggplants and tobacco. Plants of the nightshade family stop and study the next tomato, potato or pepper flower you come across and you will quickly learn the nightshade family.

The petals form a corolla tube, at least at the base. Solanaceae large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees. Some members of this family include chemicals called alkaloids that may be toxic if ingested. The family solanaceae includes such important cultivated plants as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, tobacco, and wild tobacco. Vegetable plantvegetable plant families and page f their. Medium sized family with 90 genera and 30004000 species, with great variation in habit, morphology and ecology. There are herbs, shrubs, vines, and some trees among the solanaceae. A few species are vines or hemiepiphytes, but these are seldom twining. The solanaceae family comprises 30004000 species that are classified in approximately 90 genera. An outline of a classification scheme for extant flowering plants. Compared with the large size of the family, only few. Status of solanaceae crops research this section summarizes the status of the research in solanaceae crops and the available genetic and genomic resources. The family is informally known as the nightshade or potato family.

Atropa belladonna linnaeus, cyphomandra betacea cavanilles sendtner, brugmansia. Wellknown members of this family are chili peppers. The putative solanaceae seed fossils were analysed using a combination of characteristics known from clades within the family 54. Click on names to expand them, and on p for plants profiles. The solanaceae is a large varied family of trees, shrubs and herbs including 90 genera and more than 2000 species. The solanaceae consists of about 98 genera and some 2,700 species, with a great diversity of habitats, morphology and ecology. The name solanaceae derives from the genus solanum, the nightshade plant. The fabaceae family is a large family of the plant kingdom, including several economically important plants.

I will especially be looking for submissions with usages of the more obscure species of the solanaceae family, as the more familiar ones will undoubtedly illicit a much larger response. The vocabulary is being used at the sol genomics database rnell. Experiences and inspiration from all members of the family are encouraged, whichever may have spoken to you or has had a major influence. Five, polyandrous, alternating with petals, anther often fusing around the style, dehiscence by pores. Taxonomic studies on the family solanaceae in the rajshahi. Solanaceae, or nightshades, are an economically important family of flowering plants with a worldwide distribution. This family consists of around 100 genera and 2,700 species ranging from herbaceous perennials to trees. Many species, including belladonna, scopelia, henbane, and jimsonweed, yield alkaloids and other substances that are widely used in medicine. The solanaceae is also known as the nightshade family. Identifying characteristics of the family solanaceae qs.

Solanaceae, the nightshade, or potato, family of flowering plants order solanales, with 102 genera and nearly 2,500 species, many of considerable economic importance as food and drug plants. The third largest families of plants 3 legumes or pea family family fabaceae with about 18,000 species. Five, gamopetalous, rotate or infundibuliform or lobed, inferior, sometimes zygomorphic. Figure 1 shows a framework phylogeny based on the analyses of olmstead olmstead et al, 1999, but using informal clade names rather than the. The international solanaceae genome project sol is certainly the best opportunity for coffee research network to develop collaborative work in the area of genomics.

Abstract taxonomic investigation of the family solanaceae growing through out the rajshahi university campus was carried out. Solanaceae are mostly herbs, shrubs, or woody epiphytes, although there are some trees in the family. These are herbs with alternate leaves and colorless juice. Family solanaceae definition of family solanaceae by the. Rna seq library files were downloaded from ncbi short read. Solanaceae the potato family 94 genera 2,950 species distribution. The historical role of species from the solanaceae plant. A remarkable new species of brunfelsia solanaceae phytokeys. This family contains many species of great economic importance. Phylogeny and provisional classification of the solanaceae. Although an effort was made to list all the major relevant information, this record is far from complete. The incredible morphological and chemical diversity, fundamental economic importance and worldwide distribution make the solanaceae one of the most fascinating.

Pdf the solanaceae family represents around 85 genera of floweing plants. Nov 11, 2016 the largest families of plants 1 sunflower family family asteraceae with about 24,000 species. The history of solanaceae classification darcy 1979, 1991 is typical of many large families of flowering plants e. The plant list includes 8,216 scientific plant names of species rank for the family solanaceae.

Biodiversity of food species of the solanaceae family cyberleninka. Pdf solanaceae belongs to that group of families, which are included in almost all angiosperm. Family characteristics the solanaceae family, often called the. A total of 8 eight species under 4 four genera of the family solanaceae were collected and identified by. Nightshade simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It is a very large group of plants, one of the largest of the plant families. The family is highly diverse, includes perennial trees as well as herbaceous annual species and occupies a wide range of terrestrial habitats from deserts to rainforests knapp et al.

Classification for kingdom plantae down to family solanaceae. Some species of solanaceae are known in china only by plants cultivated in ornamental or specialty gardens. Another option is to position posts at angles between the first and second posts at either end of the furrow. The solanaceae is a family of flowering plants, many of which are edible, while others are considered poisonous. Solanaceae article about solanaceae by the free dictionary. Editors introduction potatoes, tomatoes and a host of other important fruit crops all belong to. There are 5 stamens, alternating with the corolla lobes. The cultivated potatoes, the eggplant or aubergine genus solanum and pepper species genus capsicum are crop plants of worldwide. Five, polyandrous, alternating with petals, anther often fusing around the style, dehiscence by pores solanum. Solanaceae definition of solanaceae by the free dictionary. The chloroplast genome sequence of bittersweet solanum. The solanaceae include a number of commonly collected or cultivated species. About the classification report about the classification download. Solanaceae is a large family consisting of 90 genera distributed in tropical and temperate regions of the world.

The second largest families of plants 2 orchid family family orchidaceae with about 20,000 species. All protein sequences were predicted for the presence of the signal peptides using signalp 3. Among the most important of those are potato solanum tuberosum. The historical role of species from the solanaceae plant family in.

This project is for the developing solanaceae phenotype descriptors and ontology. They are mainly found in central and south america. Itis taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. Called the nightshade family or the potato family, solanaceae has more than 90 genera and nearly 3,000 species distributed throughout the world. Solanaceae, taxonomic studies, rajshahi university campus. The family consists of 45 genera and 700 species according to pax and hoffman. Solanaceaecall for submissions solanaceae will be a single, limited edition zine dedicated to the human experience with the solanaceae family of plants, the nightshades. Editors introduction potatoes, tomatoes and a host of other important fruit crops all belong to the solanaceae plant family. The plant list contains a working list of plants of the world. Species of solanaceae contained within the plant list belong to 105 plant genera. Solanaceae, liliaceae and fabaceae family an overview. The solanaceae, or nightshades, are a family of flowering plants that ranges from annual and perennial herbs to vines, lianas, epiphytes, shrubs, and trees, and includes a number of agricultural crops. We summarized the characteristics of 5 122 new identified and previously identified solanaceae nsltps in table s2. Potato family or night shade family number of genera.

However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or. This is a large family with around 20003000 species in 90 different genera, found in most temperate and tropical regions, with a large number coming from australia and. A cosmopolitan family, but main areas of distribution occur in tropical and subtropical regions, especially in central and south america. Solanaceae a family of dicotyledonous see dicotyledon plants, mostly herbs but some shrubs and trees, having normally alternate leaves, and regular flowers which are mostly pentamerous. According to hutchinson this is the seventyseventh order of. Optimize your horticulture, is a tutoring manual aimed at all. A link to a photo album of members of the solanaceae can be seen a thomas elpels site below. Solanaceae are known for possessing a diverse range of alkaloids. A list of all accepted names in solanaceae is available in csv format.

The nightshade family has plants with many different habits. These include potato solanum tuberosum, tomato lycopersicon. Six plant families of economic importance david bogler. Oct 15, 2016 the solanaceae family with its long tradition of genetic research on model as well as nonmodel species, with its wealth of genetic and genomic resources and with its relevance for human nutrition and wellbeing, is well positioned for being one of the great players in fundamental and applied plant research in the future. Aug 05, 2014 the solanaceae family represents around 85 genera of floweing plants consisting of over 2800 species globally darcy, 1986. Click on names to expand them, and on p for plants.

The solanaceae family of vegetables include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum, and chilies. The family includes 2,000 species belonging to 90 genera. While there are obviously many variations within this family, their leaves are always arranged in an alternating pattern on the stem. The incredible morphological and chemical diversity, fundamental economic importance and worldwide distribution make the solanaceae one of the most fascinating groups of flowering plants. Some members of this family include chemicals called alkaloids that. The plants are distributed in tropical, subtropical. We will amend the catalog with additional information as it becomes available. Solanaceae of north america update, database version 2011 acquired. The name may come from a perceived resemblance of certain solanaceous flowers to the sun and its rays. This family includes 90 genera and about 3000 species propagation type. It is a large family well distributed in tropics and subtropics, though a few members are found in temperate zone. Family characteristics historical importance and domestication.

This is a large family with around 20003000 species in 90 different genera, found in most temperate and tropical regions, with a large number coming from australia and central and south america. Fabaceae leguminosae pea or bean family peas, greenstring beans, fava beans, hyacinth bean, cowpea, peanut. Pharmacognosysolanaceae plant family linkedin slideshare. The nightshades solanaceae are a family of flowering plants many members of the family contain strong alkaloids, and some are very toxic. Bean family fabaceaesoybeans, peas, beans tomato family. The species included are grouped into 16167 genera, 620 families and 4 major groups. There are around 5000 species of dicotyledonous fabaceae plants widely distributed all over the world. The solanaceae nightshade family are widely distributed across the. Rnaseq library files were downloaded from ncbi short read.

A phylogenetic framework for evolutionary study of the nightshades. The solanaceae family produces a range of biologically active alkaloids that. In india it is represented by 70 species of 21 genera. Identifying characteristics of the family solanaceae qs study. They have solitary, bisexual, regular flowers with 5 rarely 3, 4 or 6 separate or united sepals and 5 united petals.

Leaves are alternate but often in unequal pairs, the smaller leaves sometimes resembling stipules. Solanaceaesolnasee botany a family of dicotyledonous plants in the order polemoniales having internal phloem, mostly numerous ovules and seeds on axile placentae, and mostly cellular. The solanaceae is one of the major plant families providing food. Discovery, identification and comparative analysis of non. Solanaceae synonyms, solanaceae pronunciation, solanaceae translation, english dictionary definition of solanaceae. The solanaceae, or nightshades, are a family of flowering plants that ranges from annual and.