Nparshat shemot in a nutshell books

Haftorah summary for parshas shemos 5778 by rabbi pinchas avruch. The gemara derives from the words to guard shemot 22. Sefer shemot by menachem posner a chronological overview of the book of exodus. Pearls of rashi on the torah portion of shemot by shmuel. When they do not comply, he commands his people to cast the hebrew babies into the nile a child is born to yocheved, the daughter of levi, and her husband, amram, and placed in a basket on the river, while the. Pharaoh then demands that all israelite baby boys be killed at birth. The parashah tells of the israelites affliction in egypt, the hiding and rescuing. The children of israel camp opposite mount sinai, where they are told that g. In a nutshell summaries at the end of each section.

Hebrew for names, the second word, and first distinctive word, of the parashah is the thirteenth weekly torah portion, parashah in the annual jewish cycle of torah reading and the first in the book of exodus. Shemot torah reading shemot roundup a summary of the book of exodus. Shemot is the first parsha in the book of exodus and there we meet moses who has a bit of a speech impediment. Torah reading, haftarah, links to audio and commentary. Shemot, shemoth, or shemos is the thirteenth weekly torah portion, parashah in the annual jewish cycle of torah reading and the first in the book of. The parshas first reading begins with the translated sentence, and these are the names of the sons of israel who came.

Moses is born and raised in the egyptian royal palace. The book of exodus tells the tale of israels liberation and birth, and of the beginning of gods covenanted nation. Moses mother puts her son in a basket in the river, and he is saved by pharaohs daughter. After killing an egyptian, moses escapes to midian and marries. This book is a clear and inspirational description of the jewish view on. Threatened by their growing numbers, pharaoh enslaves them and orders the hebrew midwives, shifrah and puah, to kill all male babies at birth. Shavuot torah readings in a nutshell on the first day of shavuot we read from exodus chapters 19 and 20. Torah portions for kids adventures, bible pathway, reid, pip on. The strife factor 5779 bleeding heartslofty souls 5778 leadership qualities 5769. Rosh hashanah in a nutshell rosh hashanah is approaching, which. This weeks torah reading, shemot, begins the book of exodus.